                       * @module GSVPANO
                      var eventEmitter = require('event-emitter');
                      eventEmitter.alloff = require('event-emitter/all-off');
                       * One single Panoramic item
                       * @class Pano
                       * @author juampi92
                       * @extends {EventEmitter}
                       * @constructor
                       * @param  {Object} params
                       * @param {Hash} params.id
                       * @param {Number} params.rotation (on degrees)
                       * @param {Number} params.pitch
                       * @param {Google.Maps.LatLng} params.location
                       * @param {String} params.copyright
                       * @param {Date} params.imageDate
                       * @param {Number} params.zoom
                       * @example
                       *         var pano = new GSVPANO.Pano({
                       *           id: panoId,
                       *           rotation: rotation,
                       *           pitch: pitch,
                       *           location: location,
                       *           imageDate: imageDate,
                       *           copyright: copyright,
                       *           zoom: zoom
                       *         });
                      var Pano = function(params) {
                        var _params = params || {};
                         * @attribute id
                         * @type {Hash}
                        this.id = params.id;
                         * @attribute rotation
                         * @type {Number}
                        this.setRotation(params.rotation || 0);
                         * @attribute pitch
                         * @type {Number}
                        this.pitch = params.pitch;
                         * @attribute location
                         * @type {Google.Maps.LatLng}
                        this.location = params.location;
                         * @attribute imageDate
                         * @type {Date}
                        this.imageDate = params.imageDate;
                         * @attribute copyright
                         * @type {String}
                        this.copyright = params.copyright;
                         * @attribute zoom
                         * @type {Number}
                        this.zoom = parseInt(params.zoom);
                         * @attribute canvas
                         * @type {Canvas Element}
                         * @default null
                        this.canvas = null;
                         * @attribute _ctx
                         * @type {Canvas 2d Context}
                         * @default null
                        this._ctx = null;
                         * @attribute _loaded
                         * @type {Boolean}
                        this._loaded = false;
                       * Saves rotation. Input in degrees
                       * @method setRotation
                       * @param  {Number} deg
                       * @chainable
                      Pano.prototype.setRotation = function(deg) {
                        this.rotation = deg * Math.PI / 180.0;
                        return this;
                       * @method initCanvas
                       * @private
                      Pano.prototype.initCanvas = function() {
                        this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
                        this._ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
                        var w = 416 * Math.pow(2, this.zoom),
                          h = (416 * Math.pow(2, this.zoom - 1));
                        this.canvas.width = w;
                        this.canvas.height = h;
                       * Progress notification
                       * @event progress
                       * @param  {Number} p
                       * @chainable
                       * @example
                       *         pano.on('progress', function(p) {
                       *           console.log('Pano download progress: ' + p + '%');
                       *         });
                       * Complete notification
                       * @event complete
                       * @param  {Pano} pano
                       * @chainable
                       * @example
                       *         pano.on('complete', function(p) {
                       *           console.log('Pano completed progress: ' + p + '%');
                       *         });
                       * Will fire 'callback' when completed
                       * @method compose
                       * @param {Hash} panoId
                       * @chainable
                       * @example
                       *         var pano = new Pano(...);
                       *         pano.compose();
                      Pano.prototype.compose = function() {
                        var w,
                          h = Math.pow(2, this.zoom - 1),
                          url, x, y;
                        switch (this.zoom) {
                          case 5:
                            w = 26;
                            h = 13;
                          case 4:
                            w = 13;
                            h = 7;
                          case 3:
                            w = 7;
                            w = Math.pow(2, this.zoom);
                        this._count = 0;
                        this._total = w * h;
                        // Get the tiles
                        for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
                          for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
                            this.createImage(x, y);
                        return this;
                       * Creates an Image with the appropiate load callback
                       * @method createImage
                       * @param  {Number} x
                       * @param  {Number} y
                       * @private
                      Pano.prototype.createImage = function(x, y) {
                        var url = GSVPANO._url + '&panoid=' + this.id + '&zoom=' + this.zoom + '&x=' + x + '&y=' + y + '&' + Date.now(),
                          img = new Image();
                        img.addEventListener('load', this.composeFromTile.bind(this, x, y, img));
                        img.crossOrigin = '';
                        img.src = url;
                       * @method composeFromTile
                       * @param {Number} x
                       * @param {Number} y
                       * @param {Image} texture
                       * @private
                      Pano.prototype.composeFromTile = function(x, y, texture) {
                        if (this.cancelled) {
                        // Complete this section of the frame
                        this._ctx.drawImage(texture, x * 512, y * 512);
                        var p = Math.round(this._count * 100 / this._total);
                        this.emit('progress', p);
                        // If finished
                        if (this._count === this._total) {
                          // Done loading
                          this._loaded = true;
                          // Trigger complete event
                          this.emit('complete', this);
                          // Remove all events
                       * Cancels the load of the Pano (the images may keep loading)
                       * @method cancel
                      Pano.prototype.cancel = function() {
                        // Remove all events
                        this.cancelled = true;
                      module.exports = Pano;